
If you have an iPhone 11 or newer, then you’ve likely discovered “Night Mode.” This amazing feature allows you to snap stunning photos with your smartphone in low light. Believe me—this is a task that sounds easy but is actually really difficult. Night shots on even the most advanced smartphone cameras can turn out grainy and require extensive noise reduction in the editing phase. But even if you don’t have the latest iPhone featuring Night Mode, you shouldn’t panic. Below I share five tips to ensure that even in low light, you’re snapping the best photos possible with your smartphone!

Reduce your movement: When your smartphone is taking photos at night, it uses a slower shutter speed. That means that any motion sensed by the camera results in a blurred photograph. If available to you, use a tripod when photographing at night. If you don’t have a tripod, practice different ways of holding your camera that reduce shaking or another movement.

Utilize the Golden Hour: One hour before sunrise and one hour before sunset are the times most used by photographers. Why? Because the lighting is so ideal. It’s much easier to take photographs when there is a small amount of light in the sky as opposed to when it is completely dark. So when possible, use even the smallest amounts of daylight available to you as you try to capture your shot.

Reduce Your Exposure: When we talk about exposure, I am referring to the brightness of your photograph. Naturally, when you reduce the amount of exposure used, you can take some wonderful night time images. And you can actually adjust the exposure on your iPhone very easily when you tap the screen. Specifically, you should tap on the item in a photo that you want to focus on. This will help make that object sharper. 

Avoid Total Darkness: If there is zero light in the area you’re trying to capture, you won’t be able to secure an image you’re happy with. But that doesn’t mean you need a direct light source! You simply need a way to illuminate the scene before you. Search for street lamps, lights on inside office buildings, or even a full moon. All of these sources can help provide you with just enough light to capture a beautiful photo.

Use Black and White Filters: Sometimes you need a little help from editing or filters to make your photo really stand out. And black and white filters are an incredible way to give new life and perspective to your photographs. That’s because most photos taken after dark lack the vibrancy and color of photos taken during the day. So instead of fighting that reality, lean into it. 
